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- BSA A10 Golden Flash, Norway -

Long time since any updates here, but lots of activity in

The A7-A10 Forum

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- W e l c o m e -

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A10 R 03.98
A10 L 03.98
Engine R 03.98
Engine L 03.98
Engine R Tacho 03.99
Headlamp, Speedo & Tacho 04.2007

The Story
Opinions & Good Ideas
Useful Links
Knowledge dept.: Books
The complete 54 Instruction Manual
Considering Synthetic Oil...?
All the facts about Harley D.

Traveling in Europe on the Legend

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Vintage routes in West Norway
Pictures & roads from
Hordaland, Norway

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Fjords & Mountains
in West Norway, july 2004

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2002 summer tour
4000 km in the Alps

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Mountain Passes
I've visited

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The Advertisements Pages

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Tech & Maintenance:

Finally Lost my Head
Head fix MK2
Carburettor (Amal 276)
Updated: Lucas, Prince of Darkness
Clutching to Life
The Great Gearbox Dissection
Cylinder & Pistons
Cylinder rebore
A Cranky Case
The Cush Drive
Wiring Diagram

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The Oil Pressure Valve
Free Flow of Oil
Choice of Oil
Rear brake & Hub
Front Brake & Hub
A10 1951 specs  scan
Engine Parts scan
Crank Parts scan

Winter 2002 fix & repair

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A10's & A7's in all shapes & form
For referance & restoration

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My Yamaha XT500 1988, a very nice
& well built jap new-classic

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A few XT350 pics. A great bike for adventure
Pictures from 2003 trip in the Pyrenees

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Mine once upon the time...
 Triumph Legend

- WANTED -  BSA Special Tools, Motorcycle Literature & Magazines from the 50's, BSA Sales Catalogues.
Questions, Corrections, Critique or Praise is always welcome, register on the forum !
Thanks for your visit, feel free to link to this website and use any information if it helps to keep your bike on the road.

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