Cylinder & Pistons
(see also the cylinder mk2

Nice'n clean after decarb.
Soaking the parts in white spirit or a degreaser overnight makes the decarb job go like a
dream, with much less need of force or hard tools to get the carbon off. (Same applies to
the combustion chamber\top\valves). Mark the pistons inside with FL & FR immediately
upon removing, as they should go back were they came from. These are the old pistons types
(6.5:1?) without split skirt, works fine in this machine. Only the rings were
changed. Careful while removing the rings, they have a tendency to suddenly break (how do
I know that?). So do not rush, and they can easily be bent just enough to slip over the
pistons. If to be refitted remember their position in regard to piston and top\bottom. To
check the rings' end gap, carefully insert one in the cylinder, and push it with the
ringless piston until it's approx. in the middle of the cylinder. With a feeler see that
it's within specs, compression rings 0.013 inch, oil ring 0.011. If in doubt, a little too
big a gap is much safer than too tight. Do this with all rings. Check the pistons' ring
grooves for deposits, wear and side clearance, 0.002 to 0.003 inch. Polish the piston tops
with Autosol & clean thoroughly.

Honing the cylinder
Lapping (or honing) the bore is possible provided wear or damage is not too pronounced.
It's an easy job to perform with a relapping tool, available from car parts stores. It can
give the cylinder & existing pistons a new lease of life. It will improve compression
& oil distribution on the cylinder walls, especially with new piston rings. The wear
at the piston rings top position can be seen & felt with a finger, it will show as a
dark ring after some lapping. Use a slowly revolving drill and lubricate the lapping
stones with some thin oil or similar. Move the drill with even & quick up-down
movement trough the whole barrel. Do not extend the process longer than strictly
necessary. Careful while inserting & removing the lapping tool. Clean very carefully
several times when finished. While not expecting to do any magic (this would require a
rebore + new pistons etc) this process will smooth things out, postponing a rebore &
keeping the pistons going for some 1000's of miles.When done insert a piston ring &
check the end gap again at various positions in the bore. After the lapping, treat the
engine as after a rebore, with a careful running-in period & oilchange after 500 miles
or less.

Wear at top
My cylinder has it's original bore, 70 mm. The rings top position of travel is where the
cylinderwear is most pronounced. Ideally there should be no ridge at all, but one do not
have to rebore too soon either. Always use good gaskets when reassembling, & tighten
all bolts at the right torque (the old A10 service sheets says "real tight" for
the head bolts, whatever that means). There is a tightening
sequence, do it right or you may end up with leaks & may bend the top end. Some
say one should retighten the bolts after the gaskets etc have settled.

Dinner's ready, Dear!
If you are impatient, a kitchen oven is great for newly painted
parts. Use minimum heat & keep parts inside for a couple of hours, with the oven door
open & good aeration. WARNING: DO