Some Quite Priceless Opinions
Do not tolerate petrol leak as you may tolerate oil leak. $ 5.- (gaskets
Invest in tires & linings before they wear out. $ 150.- (or $ 150.000.- for
Do not tolerate (too) weak brakes. $ 0.- to $ 150.- (cleaning to refurbishing)
Change brake wires regularly. $ 15.-
Check for loose nuts'n bolts regularly. $ 0.-
Engine & Mechanical
Check the oil return flow in the oil tank. $ 0.-
Change engine- & gearoil often (Oil is cheap, engine rebuild is not). $ 20.- (or $
Check timing & valves regularly. $ 0.-
Trace the source of mechanical noise before serious damage occurs. $ 0.-
Adjust primary and drive chain $ 0.-

Buy relevant books and study your machine. $ 50.-
Use good light & quality tools that fit the job. $ 125.-
Do not be afraid to ask stupid questions. $ 0.-
Keep your working space clean. $ 0.-
Do not overtighten nuts'n bolts. $ 0.-
Use new gaskets, spring washers and\or Nutlock when necessary. $ 20.-
Keep a supply of white spirit, Autosol & rags. $ 10.-
Enjoy Your Classic!
