The Gearbox:
Kick, gearshift & clutch
---under construction---

Kick + gearshift + oil level plug + oil filling + clutch shaft + clutch adjustement +
Impressive & very well made piece of machinery. 7 functions in one place!

Inner cover, gives access to one of the mainshaft bearing. Renewed it while I had the
opportunity. Heated the aluminium cover in boiling water then easily drove in the new
bearing, cold after some hours in the freezer. This procedure always made renewing
bearings an easy task.

Inner cover with gear"claw". This is the old plunger box, swingarm\newer A10'a
have a different selecting\pedal return mechanism. Have no complaints with this box,
shifting is fine, no problem finding neutral.

Gearchange & kick shafts. Look like they will last forever and then some... Added
shims to take up some slight slack that had developped over the (50) years.

Removing outer covers permits some inspection of the sprockets & selector mechanism
without removing it from the bike. The clutch rod goes trough the
mainshaft, check it for straightness.

The kick ratchet system. Wear is apparent, when too worn the kick will slip and\or jam.

The reason for me going in there... broken kick return spring.
Tried to "fix" it, but so brittle with age it broke again after 1 kick.
New fitted.

Rebuilding, locking the kick with the clutchlever. Careful not to scratch the outer cover
with the inside of the kick, insert a piece of something between kick & cover (see
picture). Check clutchshaft for excessive play as there is no bush, it goes directly
trough the aluminium casting which is subject to wear.