As well as my A7 I also have a 1963 A65 with the same carb as yours. If the tickler is not touching the float to hold it down look to see if you have any washers under the float needle seating these washers can be bought in a kit to govern the float bowl height they are not always needed. As to correct fuel level in the bowl if you look at the float bowl cover you should see a cast pimple just below and between the M and A in the word AMAL this is the correct fuel level. Now there are various ways you can do this you could try making a perspex cover and putting this on and putting a spot on the outside in the same place as the pimple then fit to carb turn on fuel and see what level you get, or you could remove the pilot jet cover nut and using a suitable piece of clear tubing that fits tight over the pilot jet bring the other end under the carb and up in front of the float cover turn the fuel on and see to what level the fuel rises in the tube it should level out at the same level as the pimple.