Author Topic: Think big.....start small  (Read 907 times)

Offline Rookie_V#60

  • Rudolph the rednose rendeer
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Think big.....start small
« on: 19.07. 2015 18:39 »
 The clutch handle of my long stroke A7 got stiffer and stiffer. As everybody told me the old version of a well working 6 spring clutch should be easy and comfortable to operate, I was prepared to start a big overhaul / replacement soon.

 I started with step 1 changed the cable ….. and got a new smooth operating clutch !

 Never thought it –  as the old cable looked so fine and was always plenty oiled !

 Happy Rudolf

1923 James Model 12 500ccm v-twin
1926 Douglas EW 350ccm flat-twin
1936 Motosacoche 500ccm single
1948 BSA A7 Longstroke 500ccm parallel-twin
1955 Ariel Square Four MKII
1960 C1, 1967 C2, 1979 C3-gone!

Online Klaus

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Re: Think big.....start small
« Reply #1 on: 19.07. 2015 18:50 »
The clutch handle of my long stroke A7 got stiffer and stiffer. As everybody told me the old version of a well working 6 spring clutch should be easy and comfortable to operate, I was prepared to start a big overhaul / replacement soon.

 I started with step 1 changed the cable ….. and got a new smooth operating clutch !

 Never thought it –  as the old cable looked so fine and was always plenty oiled !

 Happy Rudolf

Hi Rudoph,

If you have a cable with a teflonliner in it and you will greace with WD 40 or other oil the liner will swell up  and so the operation get harder.


If you think, everything is under control, you are not fast enought.

BSA DB34 Goldstar, BSA A10 Road Rocked, BSA A7 Shooting Star, BSA M33, BSA M24, Kawa W650

Offline Rookie_V#60

  • Rudolph the rednose rendeer
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Re: Think big.....start small
« Reply #2 on: 19.07. 2015 22:05 »
Hi Klaus,

no teflonliner inside, but an too old original style cable with this knurled screws on the lower end and handmade soldered nipples. Looks nice, not bended or broken but too much friction inside.


1923 James Model 12 500ccm v-twin
1926 Douglas EW 350ccm flat-twin
1936 Motosacoche 500ccm single
1948 BSA A7 Longstroke 500ccm parallel-twin
1955 Ariel Square Four MKII
1960 C1, 1967 C2, 1979 C3-gone!