Good evening from Faversham, Kent, UK. After a long time saving, have just bought my first BSA, a 1960 Super Rocket in Rocket Gold Star trim. I have owned and run my 1965 Enfield Continental GT since I was 17 in the 1970s and decided I needed something with a little, ok a lot, more oomph. A few minor issues to sort out, but it changes gear smoothly and even more surprising to a Royal Enfield owner, doesn't leak oil. Not a whiff let alone a trickle. Not only that, it ticks over smoothly and twitters gloriously, So, 80 miles on the clock from engine rebuild so just another 900 or so to run it in gently.
I'll be attempting to get my head around the magneto, and will shortly be posting regarding help with the prop stand, which snapped off at the bracket and I'm puzzling how to get the old clamp off - it appears that the bracket was bolted on before the engine went back in. But more of that with a proper post.
You can see the stand still nicely in place in the picture I've just spent far too long working out how to resize.
Crispin Whiting