So after dusting off my bike I reorganized my thoughts on how to proceed the coming weeks.
There are some things I have to fix before i can get it running the good (read non destructive) way.
When I rebuilt the bike I made a quite long to do list, and there are only two point's left on that list today,
namely change the gearbox oil. And get my drivers license
Now some time after i last touched the bike, I notice that I have a different attitude towards getting things done.
At first I had next to no knowledge of the workings of the machine, and only built the lego like parts together. Looking at an exploded view without really grasping the meaning of the different parts.
Now after some time I noticed that while working on a new to-do list more things came up than I'm fixing.
Which means i'm looking more to the workings of the machine and finding more things i ought to look at before it gets to eat some asphalt.
I'm planning on keeping it for a long time to come so a little goes a long way(time) I hope. for example I never thought about the damage overheating an engine can do. It's air cooled right so how can it overheat... well now I know better.
So there is more to do than i originally thought.
This is my list at the moment:
- Change the primary case oil
- Change the gearbox oil
- Change the primary case gasket(leaks
) - Convert to 12v
- redesign elec. ignition
- Build/buy voltage regulator
- Convert dynamo chain to belt drive
- Tighten spokes
- Fit the chain guard
- Jet the carburetter
- Calibrate the rear brakes
- Install blinkers
- check valve clearances
- get drivers licence
I might forget some points at this moment, I'll add them later. The list is not prioritized in any way but that speaks for it self i guess.
And yes for some ikea reason I managed to put the whole bike together and at the end only had one piece left... the chainguard... Damn did that make me feel stupid. But my reasoning was that it wouldn't matter that much, and called it an anti rust feature. Now I'm not so sure and have to see if it doesn't mess with spacing/alignment issues. I'm not really looking forward to removing the primary drive train case/carter thing...
About the spokes, i found out that some are loose during tentioning the chain. Is there an method to tighten them without the need to remove the tyre?
And now Picture time!: