Yes. Grease sticks brushes
Yep TT I think I kind of had come to that conclusion but wondered if things had moved on, as a young apprentice electrician many moons ago a regular job on washing machines was freeing stuck brushes so I knew a fine file would help.
update - my ammeter has no adjusting screw of any description, it moves up with revs and down when the lights are put on so guess it's fine, just not lying on dead centre annoys me - illogical I know
Dynamo still pumping out lots of volts so happy with that, not so happy with the V reg regulator, checked it's input to the battery goes over 15 volts and not even half throttle, didn't think it wise to see what it would do with more revs.
Battery down a bit this morning 11.95 from 12.3 yesterday, tested wiring for leaks to earth nothing found at all, these Cyclone batteries are not supposed to dorp like that, could be they've been overcharged at some point if that's how the Vreg has been working - DVR2 to be ordered
One other issue has came to light, when I wired the bike I read somewhere it was not a good idea to solder wires into crimped spade connectors as it made the wire stiff and lead to breakages, seemed to make sense at the time but have to say you have to take care when subsequently breaking joints as it's not as difficult as you might think to pull the wire out of the spade. right or wrong I'll be soldering the next ones