No problem, but as mentioned am agreeing to the need for some adjustments to the layout here and there, but will have to wait a while. The important now is that all members, posts and pictures are still here after the revolution, everything seems to work, and total offline time was just an hour or so. I've personally seen forums I frequent go down for days when upgrading the software, and thereafter suffering all kinds of incomprehensible troubles for weeks, so it was a shaky period. Been lucky so far (but really tried to do some homework before pressing the red button), 1st week without crashing is a good sign.
I think the new look/theme is great.
Good, and thanks.
About the forum, there are 100's of layouts to choose from, this one is basically the SMF basic theme (choose it because it's simple, clear and easy to navigate IMO) with a few added variations and modifications. Most of my work in upgrading is in the invisible dept. > server settings, editing php, endless hours with ftp, moving 1000's of files around, the database. The more learned the more I see I know nothing about. But WTH, it works :O)
Also done some changes that should improve page loading speed (as long as the hosting company itself does not have any slowdowns, they've been very good most of time). At the very bottom of the page there's a "Page created in", which should be in the 0.x or even 0.0x seconds, signs that all work well.