Thats a copy of my first bike/A10 in 1966 ( 16 then ) , didn't have an alloy head too exotic at that stage!! The screen works well ,after 14 hrs of rain going to Kent from Liverpool in 1966 I can vouch for it's worth ,I think you're going to have some fun , having also had s/arm outfits in the past I think the plunger handles much better . Give the engine and box new oil and start from there. When you go for your first ride take a host... I mean passenger with you or put a bag of sand in the chair and go steadily round left handers until you've got the balance, a supermarket carpark is ideal (when empty see even supermarkets can be useful) to ride round in circles both ways ,as Musky mentioned the chair wheel has been known to lift but if you have the room just strighten her up or turn away or simply close down the throttle ,within a few rides you'll be absolutely competant and then the fun really begins ,can't wait to hear how you get on and see some more piccys best wishes BobH.