Here's another Vincent - a really very good Rapide Series C. Not a very French gathering, although it is in France, I promise. Plus Bonnie (late, US bars, very smart but irreversibly ugly and no fuel capacity at all at all), workaday A10 (mine and dead reliable at the mo) and hidden away at the rear, very workaday and very high mileage indeed AMC twin (also mine). All set for 200 miles of pure pleasure on uncluttered roads Saturday before last. Did another 200 the next day too. Completed with ease. Who won? Not a fair Q. Not even sure if the Rapide got into 4th gear very often, although the Bonnie trickled in 5th easily enough. Nothing broke, nothing faltered, although the tired AMC is in very brief retirement for an overdue regrind and shells. . . . Groily