This thread is going well. Welcome back to all of you.
Kiwipom, Yes, I recall when you posted about the quakes, glad things are looking up for you.
Rich, After Googling them, those look like great dogs. You must be up to your ears in dog ears. There have been a couple of times this season when I wished for an electric starter, but don't know if it would have just meant a dead battery.
Pato, Wondering if a "dummy" build is common or if most folks don't just do like me and fit-as-you-go. Maybe that's the real dummy build. Anyway, are you missing the UK or glad to be back in Oz. If I recall from reading about it, Canberra may not be the tourist and cultural center of the world. No offense, I hope.
Alan, Sounds frustrating. In hind sight, maybe a flexi/grabbi claw tool and a bendy mirror to see your way might have worked. Though, with the luck you were having, the mirror would have broken off in the hole.
JB, ah, another member in thinkin'-'bout-it distance from where I am in the Chicago area. Been meaning to get to the Mid-Ohio, but it's always a challenge ('tain't around the corner). So, does it help to have Domiracer in your backyard? Their lack of photos is frustrating.
Regards all,
Richard L