Of little interest, but one to bear in mind....
I was travelling back from VMC's founders day yesterday, doing a steady handful, when the Velo. Venom started coughing and spluttering. I gave it a little bit more (to clear a blockage?) and was met with rather a good blow back through the carb. Hmm..blocked jet methinks, so I gave it a clean, but I couldn't see much dirt. I took it for another spin tonight and still had the same problem. Having ruled the carb out of the equation I took the cover off the mag and hanging there on a thin film of oil was the tip from one half of the points! If I hadn't actually seen the tip I think I'd still be scratching my head. Funny thing was, I'd just been over to Tony Cooper's (the mag man) at lunchtime today to get a new set of points for the A10 PL and we were talking about how the tips get put on to the end of the points......spooky!
Just remember...every day's a school day.