Hi All,
Way back when I was sorting out the frame on my SR, I despaired at the poxy design and resolved to try and improve it
Both the stand and frame pivots were totally fkd!!
My solution was to make a tubular bush by drilling and reaming a solid bar 3/4OD with a 1/2 hole
I welded this in position between the worn frame lugs, I drilled it in the centre to take a grease nipple
I built up the stand holes with weld then drillled out the pivot holes to 1/2in. I welded extra thickness around the outside of the pivots to strengthen them!
I made a new pivot pin with a threaded end and bolted this through the stand/frame
This setup results in the stand bearing on the long tube rather than the narrow lugs on the frame /stand!!
I looked at my RGS project the other day and the pivots on the frame are also very worn, even though they are the heavier type than the SR
John O R