Inspired by Shabasow, I made a video yesterday by gaffer-taping my digital stills/mpeg camera to the handle bars. I taped a bit of foam over the microphone port but it didn't really help (any bigger and it would have covered the lens). What you need for windscreens, while using separate mics is something like you might see at a sporting event, that is, a substatial foam wind screen or one of the really fuzzy types they use on shotgun mics. Another problem was the noise of mechanical conduction from the handle-bar clamp bolts up into the camera. That noise could be isolated by sitting the camera on a bit of foam. The video istself is amazingly stable. What I would like to try is two cardioid-pattern mics on outriggers aiming approximately at the silencers, thus, stereo (anyone with the mics and time is welcome to beat me to the punch).
I'm hesitant to post my video. It's long and runs through a lot of traffic in my suburb of Chicago (Naperville). At one point I stalled the bike and at another I am stopped at a four minute red light. I cruised the local Harley dealer and tried to get a shot of the local biker watering hole, but the wind noise is awful. One interesting thing about the ride was seeing an MG A and an MG B at completely different locations (remember, this isn't the UK).
Richard L.