Hi Alan,
I personally think the twin carb head is a great idea and great option,
Without quoting hearsay and to be honest rather unsubstantiated musings I think it is the way to go for several reasons,
1. On the flow bench, even an un ported and un modified twin carb head out flows a fully ported GS big valve head by a very large margin.
2. If you are running a modified performance type engine you will need better flow than a single carb head can easily give you. Just think about it, a very good GS single carb engine gives about 48bhp top whack! Not great for a 650 is it!
(A cooking Bonneville engine puts out the same power as a good modified GS, Just ask yourself Why?)
3. Why on earth do people keep saying twin carbs are impossible to setup correctly? I have many twin carb bikes and not one of them "falls out of tune" I think most people who complain about one side running cold etc are actually overlooking the idiosyncrasies of the single point magneto rather than carburettor tune. Why would a carb "suddenly jump out of tune? I have never known it! If this were the case then you would see the roads littered with dozens of 4 cyl bikes after all their carbs went out of sync and made them stop, imagine setting up 4 carbs if 2 are impossible!! What do they say about bad workmen? Blaming tools? or carbs?
4. OK around town and slow running a single carb will surely work at least as good if not slightly better than twin carbs, but who builds a performance engine to go shopping?
5. In the car world we laugh at Porsche Cayman owners when they tell you "why they didn't want a 911" actually because they couldn't afford a 911 but they won't tell you so. I think a little like people without twin carbs telling you why they don't work and why one carb is best! Go to the race track and see if you can find anyone with a twin running a single carb if they have an option.
6. They look great!
7. Because you can and it all boils down to personal taste and personal preference!
(Hope I don't upset anyone, not meant to)