The big rubber hose thread, part 788...
Fido, I received your gift today, thanks. Alas, totally wrong here too, and I did not look at the air filter box either, would be totally obvious. I had the airbox lying around for a long time, for retoration and to find a solution for some way of fitting a homemade filter, as I suppose the original filters are not available. I need a short straight hose too, the carb ends very near to & seems like straight in front of the box's hole.
But I now start to wonder if I have the correct airbox at all (I have never had it on the bike, got it as a loose extra part), the one I have is not similar to the combined battery holder\airbox depicted together with the angled hose in page 33 of the Bsa spares 49' to 53'... Sooo, I think the angled hose definitely fit that airbox 49-53 depicted in the spares book, or is that box for rigids only?? but anyway, obviously not the airboxes we have, something maybe changed after 54, and we may have the 54 box, with the hole beeing right behind the carb. If someone have the later parts book and could check on the rubber hose and shape of the airbox, comparing to the pictures posted here.
Next, I'll soon have a go at mounting the airbox I've got and see. Think I'll end up making a carb to airbox connection out of some hoses or whatever, It's nearly not visible anyway, as I found out from scrutinizing books and manuals looking for some good view of the system, trying to find the answer. I'll be back with my finds.