I have a healthy respect for SRM, and spend enough money on their high quality products (just received a confirming email that my latest order is leaving today; yippee!!).
However, some of the things they come out with I just cannot agree with. I.e. their views on oil type and in-line filtration.
I have worked in the fluid power industry since 1977 (that's before you were an itch in your father's scrotum, Josh!), and manage a hydraulics company respected for it's technical expertise, so feel my opinions on these issues have some credibility. I no longer debate these issues, just do what I have found will work.
However, variety is the spice of life. We all have views, and opinions from our life experiences, and they are frequently different.
Perhaps the head patterns were made by a right-handed person, and the internal cv factor (frictional resistance to flow) is slightly different because of this?
It might be worth taking a head to a porting specialits and have it flow tested, to measure the resistance to flow, between both sides.