At last the Magneto is back and FTW in Sheffield made a nice job of it, prior to fitting the Mag I did some more work on the Plunger timing.
With a degree disc fitted to the timing side mainshaft nut,I found TDC using an old plug with a piece of screwed thread ,took the difference from one rotation and achieved TDC.I also rigged up a DTI and again checked that TDC was correct.
taking readings from the DTI I wound the engine back from TDC and then forward to 5/16" BTDC and the degree disc read 30 degrees, Doing the same for 3/8" the disc read
33.8 degrees which is not what was expected. I have timed the engine up at 3/8" so hopefully it will start,I will let you know.
Just tried the bike and it kicks up first time and ticks over just need to give it a road test next
to see if it has any power. The bike runs and pulls well,whats next .Alan