Lucky that current estimate is way off beam (no pun intended).
How would bad joints conceivably add to the current drain, or am I missing the point? Surely draw would be less, but ought to be near negligible if connectors in reasonble.
Another estimate:
Coils 2A average, 60W headlight 5A, 1A other lights plus occasional 2A from stop bulb
So 8 Amps total. Similar to rated current output of E3L (at 2,000 dynamo rpm) at 7V. It is the current which heats the winding whatever the voltage as resistance is fixed.
Interested to know what 35A instant is, are US Amps short measure like US gallons?
So Mosin a 10 or 15 Amp fuse (normal slow blow auto types) gives good protection.
My Flash has a simple on/off keyswitch from an electrical catalogue (RS components). Has been ok for 10k miles to date but feels a little sloppy. Fitted to front of tool case. Adds a bit of security. But a heavy duty switch as fitted to my B50 isolates all electrical loads so less chance of flat battery from sticky stop switch or whatever. Lock & key & switch part nos. Lucas 1-80 + 39565, BSA 82-6981 + 19-1904