I have just come back from a good mornings foray at the Cheltenham auto jumble,I managed to buy an early B40 bottom end with sound big end and mains, two B40 cylinder heads complete with rocker boxes,even the oil feed pipe, in good condition, be it that one has a small part of a fin broken at the back of the head but has very good valves and seats, all for £110 another rocker box that will take a valve lifter, why is it you can never find the valve lifter shaft and lever, anyone with a couple of spares? also two pairs of original C15 rear suspension units.
I did want to stock up on cycle and bsf nuts and bolts but the prices were to high, why metric should be so much cheaper than the old threads, it is not because there is more demand for metric but that it is rip of Britain and it is about time some honest traders refused to set the prices as per everybody else.
What we need is a manufacturer that is prepared to supply small quantitys direct then the traders would alter there prices.
I find the price of all the parts made for the classic industry to be a touch higer than it was a few years ago, the cost of living has not gone up that much, wages are still more or less as they were a few years ago, there has been a recession you would think that if they had a brain they would sell at original prices sell more and have more turnover, end of recession!! but no they put prices up so they can make more on less, dont get me wrong people have got to live but because one trader puts his price up to make more they all follow suit.
I did not bother with A10 stuff as again a lot of it was silly money and nothing was sellng, they just dont learn
Anway I had a good morning now to spend some time in the workshop