Guilty as charged when using Red Hermetite, but reassuring to see an even line squeezed out as the timing covers tightened down, Then the final icing on the cake of a job well done, working around with a sharp blade to cut away the inevitable protruding gasket edge and a final wash off with meths. Looked as if it had just come from the factory.....Pass me the Sovol and an old flannel.
Then came that miracle in a tube...RTV. I first saw it as an accessory marketed by Triumph about the same time they replaced torque settings for big end bolts by measuring bolt stretch...(or did I dream that?) Not the miracle sealant promised, dangerous in the wrong place, think bits breaking off like an internal combustion engine blood clot, and the tube gone rock hard when you needed it for a second time. Silicone bathroom sealer is fine these days, used with care.
Hylomar edged Hermetite to the market margin, and was supposedly developed for Rolls Royce. Cellulose Thinners was the clean up solvent, as an aside meths is rarely seen these days. .