Seems extreme but after all the good work the banjo joint at the oil tank was still not dry.
Took it apart again and measured across the inner and outer joint faces 0.4mm difference in thickness going around!
Cleaned up the smaller outside face to make sure it was flat then turned up a mandrel to provide a square face and a close-fitting, short spigot diameter, drilled and tapped M6, bolted the banjo on and faced off the oil tank side until it cleaned up to create two parallel flat faces. So easy when you have the tools and very satisfying!
The source of the distortion was I think some weld spatter from when a new outlet was put on back in the annals of time probably around doomsday. So the joint face got some needle file attention too at the same time.
Then I turned up a 2.5mm thick aluminium washer with a very close fit to the outlet stub dia. from a bit of 6061 stock and annealed it.
With this now under the modified banjo and a drop of Loctite we have a dry union yay