Hi All,
An auto advance has to be used with the electric starter.
I had to go and buy one as an additional cost to the starter. I retained the manual advance lever as well.
I have the starter fitted since 2021 and have not had any issues so far.
Some health issues has meant that I have not been able to do the milage of previous years, but a fair amount of shorter journeys.
I do not abuse the starter, so if the bike has been sitting for a while I bump start it down the drive or down the road outside my house.
Cold starts away from home have not been an issue.
The electric starter will not fix a hard to start or badly tuned bike
Mag and carb etc need to be at their best
A backfire could damage the one way (sprag) bearings . I do not believe this is " wrecking" the system.
It takes skill and patience to fit the system so that there is no unnecessary drag on the drive from the motor to the engine.
Without having the starter fitted i doubt I would get much use from the SR as is, I would probably have to lower the compression and so on