As stated on many occasions, "Carburettor problems usually turn out to be electrical!". An observation that, unless they're blocked, carbs usually deteriorate over time. TerryB says he has checked the carb. Whilst others have "poo-pood" my suggestion of a magneto issue, I have come across this at a rally, where the points weren't springing back quickly enough due to stiffness. Unlikely, I know, but an easy check. I have also come across arcing at the slip ring as the revs increase. Don't forget that a magneto becomes more powerful as it spins faster and, therefore, arcs and shorts more readily. I'm not saying the problem is definitely the magneto. My money is still on a carb issue, but I wouldn't rule the magneto out of the equation because a) I've seen a mag cause this problem and b) TerryB reckons he's checked the carb. If the main jet is clean and the float bowl is filling at a reasonable rate, I would turn my attention to the mag.