my name is Heiko and i live in Hattingen/Ruhr in Germany.
My BSA story started this way in 2024:
Saturday, October 26th, 2024, 12:50 p.m. the phone rings while the new apartment is being renovated, the call lasts 6 minutes:
Hi, Ute here, (a good friend of mine, lives in Newcastle) I'm standing with Calvin in the old motorcycle workshop of his recently deceased friend... everything has to go here now.
What is everything?
Among other things, BSA A10...
Oh no, moving, be a little careful with the money at the moment, also BSA A10...
It's a bargain...!!!
Yes, yes... How much is the bargain?
Wait a minute.... Tütütü... 500 GBP
Args... pain when thinking...
What the hell... Come on, push the BSA into the transporter.
Half an hour later another call:
Heiko, there is a problem with the BSA...
And...? (I was kind of happy that the deal fell through after all)
He now only wants 350GBP...
... and now I own an A 10.
My other bikes are:
BMW R 26, Ariel VH and Norton Model 50. Also an MG Midget and a MGB GT.