My ‘51 plunger A10 GF came with a 276. Ive thoroughly cleaned it and am confident nothing is blocked. New fibre washers; doesn’t leak anymore. Float level is non-adjustable, jets and settings all appear correct. She starts from cold no problem, but wont idle or run at low rpm. The only thing I suspect is that the jet block/carb body fit is a bit loose. Jet block pushes in firmly, but once home, is a little loose, until the big nut is on. I read a post from Slymo that this looseness might create a poor seal between jet block and carb body which will intern cause the pilot circuit to fail. I’m unsure about what to do about this. Suggestions please?
Also.. Upon close inspection, I might have a carb meant for an A7. It has a 15/16 bore, not the factory 1 1/16..
My unit has a flange stamp of 276 AX/1A7, jet block is 30T, needle jet 107, main jet 170, needle clip 2, slide 6/3. Air screw 1/1/2- 2
Could this work? Ive had it running fine in the past.. I really want to keep the factory 276, eleven though I realize the concentric is a better unit!