Some early thoughts:
Bear in mind my only recent motorcycle experience is with my 1955 A10.
The new bike has only done 27 miles so must be tight. While riding, when I shut the throttle the bike almost stands on its nose, (slight exaggeration) ; the reduction in speed is like applying the brake.
The new bike is taller and heavier than the A10. Added to that the disk brakes are rubbing. Due to limited space in front of my shed, partly because the hoist is there, on its side, but still taking up 10", I had a heck of a job doing a 20 point turn to get the bike pointing toward the garden gate. Putting the bike in my shed backwards would be good but I cannot safely push it backwards up the ramp into the shed, and then the hoist when Emily is sold. I might have to think about a turntable. I miss the nice grab handle on the old bike!
Have you made a turntable for your bikes?
Ah, problemo! No centre stand!! I read that BSA are going to bring out a centre stand for the new bike. Fingers crossed for that!
The side stand on the new bike needs a washer to take some slack out of the movement. At the moment the bike leans over a bit too much for my liking.