What's the port size into head? The 376 was typically 1 1/16" (27mm) , whereas the 389 was 1 1/8" (28.5mm) . I doubt it'll make much difference in practice. The 56 TT carb spec was originally an 1 1/16" so the smaller 376 is more consistent size wise if the heads not been ported further. My suggestion is the 376 if your head is still 27mm. these were fitted in that size to the 56 GF.
I'm just in the process of rebuilding a 54RR with the orig TT and considering modifying the slide so that it idles, something a mate did. ,
For a typical rider I dont think the carb size matters that much in the range you're looking at. Smaller carbs set up comparably as a generalisation respond better at lower throttle settings, while big ones are better for go fast riders.