By my reckoning this nut is a standard right hand thread. The dynamo is driven anti- clockwise, so a natural tendency for the drive cog to rotate a/c in relation to the shaft. A keyed shaft is fine, but an unkeyed sprocket is relying on the taper to hold it in place. Once the taper slips, nut and tab washer will undo.
So belt and braces, adding a split pin which costs zilch will save a whole load of hassle and expense.
Next question....How can you be sure the nut is adequately tightened if the taper is plain? Usual way is to assemble the bearing plate and drive cog onto the armature as the first stage of assembly. At least the armature can be held firmly. Doing this with a ready built unit is more awkward, relying on the taper to hold the shaft still.
Add a split pin, sleep easy.