Hello, all well, I'm hoping I succeeded in informing a little about the size of those pictures files coming from current cams and phones. It's a recuring situation. Something like 4000 x 3000 is enormous when viewed on screen at it's real, 100% size, no relation whatsoever to the miniaturized, fit to screen version showing on a phone screen or a pc.
The benefits of very large pixel counts: one can crop the picture and choose to keep only a part of it, quality will still be very good. And for printing, the more pixels available, the better, full resolution of modern cams and phones will print A4, A3 or more, with stunning quality when using photo paper. And on screen, one gets great quality when zooming in on parts of the picture.
Screen\internet\forum use does (usually) not necessitate lots more pixels than the screen it is viewed on, f. ex 1920 x 1080. In the future, 4k wil take over, 3840 x 2160 pixels or 4096 x 2160 pixels, but still a long way before it becomes the norm.
And to be clear, your original 3000+ pixels were well within the upload settings, and offered very nice and detaild zoom-in opportunity on parts of the bike, this is welcome, it was all about demonstrating that more than 2MB is not needed (still got a good zoom-in quality), and that smaller filesizes still can give good, useable quality for screen\display viewing.
So keep the fine pictures coming !