I have been playing, it's good to play
I got a friction plate and made it clear the lip on the inner drum by removing metal just about to the bonded bits, then to make it seat against the chainwheel I filed a bit out of the slots and put a radius in the corners, put plate in and checked that chain didn't interfere with it. it still didn't sit on the face of the drum so stuck it in lathering thing and turned about 8thou off the circumference on the drive tabs just down to the bonded bits then it sat nicely like a good little plate should do.
then in with rest of the plates and ended up with 5 and 5. then a problem
with just the 5 plain plates and the pressure plate on the spring cups were very nearly holding it off the last plate so I put the 6th plain on and jobs done. the only reason I have done this is I don't have one
but maybe doing it this way it will prevent the first plain plate that goes up to the drum lip distorting when it hasn't got anything behind it, time will tell in the distant future and because I didn't grind the lip off I can always build it up as it should be built--- properly
i think I need the pub and to stop messing with things
. oh no this has been a total waste of time with the lip still on because it is only working from there onwards
*bash*boing time for bed!! end of clutch story children