Roy.. Time to get some enjoyment from your old machine. You have now got the makings of a reliable bike. You just need a little bit of confidence in the bike, so start off small.
Get it to start, tick over and run consistently. Then onto the road you go.. down your driveway and back, down the street and back, in other words ride within push home distance. All OK? Then move on to riding round the block, still within push home distance. Now comes the biggie. There and back a little further. By now you will have a feel for what's right, what's not, so sort anything amiss. Ride with a buddy, or get a mate to follow in a car. Now there will be no stopping you.
Remember help is all around you in the Staffordshire Badlands, it ain't like the bad old days, no cellphone or breakdown service, so fill 'er up and give it a go.
Just think how you started with your guitars....from E Minor to F Sharp Major 6th makes bike riding look pretty simple.
All the best.