I'm struggling to get my old brain around this one, going to be one step at a time.
New battery on the Flash, Flash was negative earth I've put it back to positive in order to sell the bike.
So all was well battery connected correct way. dynamo flashed for positive earth, new dvr2 fitted (correct type +E), charging indicated on ammeter when engine revved, (battery was a cheapo, just needed to get the bike road worthy, better one in the pipeline for prospective buyer
to days ago I went to the bike and found the battery flat, I put it on charge but it didn't charge, tried a different charger - same thing, now modern chargers often will not charge a battery unless it has some charge in it so I put on an old charger and (confession) hospital appointments, bowls matches and shopping - yep left it on for more than a day, strangle all red lamps on the charger were still lit and the battery still flat, now here's the thing I changed the meter to a digital one and noticed a very small Negative charge.
The battery has one cell full of chalk like substance, I flushed some of this out (about half of it) then put the battery on charger the wrong way and it's charged upto 6.4 volt ( fell overnight to 5.5).
Questions for your consideration
1. I need to check dynamo polarity obliviously, easy enough to flash it again but I want to know what it is now, I have leds things in the shed so I can test poalrity, but is it safe to do so without harm to dvr2
2. could the old fast charger have reversed the battery polarity
3. how to reverse the battery back to normal.
4. anything else I should beware of that a 75 year old idiot might have inflicted on this innocent bit of machinery's electrical system