Yes Swarfy, a conundrum, and potentially a dangerous one. I wouldn't have liked to fit them and then discover I couldn't stop. Mike they are of different radius and were bought as part of a job lot of brake shoes. Julian I think they might be aftermarket items (they are marked MC ltd) as the ends are identical in size so in theory they could be swapped over, keeping the assymetry, but I wont be trying that, I can hear the metal of the wider shoe rubbing against the drum, not good. I will keep my eye out for a 191mm trailing shoe and will try those at some time. The lining offset explains why the shoes are just 1mm from the outside edge of the contact area with about 4mm of unused inner drum face. The shoes I had relined by Villiers are of the fixed pivot type swarfy and he did a good job of sizing them with thicker cloth woven sintered material.
As I was arcing them in I noticed two things. First, when I operated the brake arm in the opposite direction mimicking the reverse fit of the arm, as in a previous post here, the brake worked better and was sharper so I would say it works! Second, when I centered the shoes, the brake didn't work well. BUT, when I operated the arm in the reverse way (anticlockwise) and then tightened the fulcrum they became quite good. I can't determine how good until the lockdown ends but will keep you informed. Thanks for your input guys.