As I understand it, this pump of unknown origin has a cast iron body, whilst the SRM one has an aluminium body. Assuming - and this is the operative word - that the materials and machining are of equal quality, then the cast iron pump will be best...
Great post!
Surely, (I know, 'Don't call me Shirly!') this price point has been arrived at because of the expensive SRM pump.
Most classic bike owners are in the same age group as me: Kids are grown up. The mortgage is paid off. I have more disposable income than at any other time in my life. Folks will pay for the new pump. Me and duTch bought a cast iron, (higher flow) pump from 'Bantam' John Phelan. As far as I remember it was about half the cost of SRM's pump. So far they've been very good. If John is still selling pumps I expect his prices will go up to match the price of this newcomer.