Ill be there peddling a few parts and some project bikes.
See: Portland All British Field Meet Celebrating 42 Years
Saluting Jaguar XK 120 - September 7th, 8th & 9th 2018
Bring Your British cars and motorcycles. Join OVER 800 other British vehicle owners and share your interests with other enthusiasts. Replica cars made in England with British components (e.g. Panther) and specialty cars with British chassis and running gear (e.g. Arkley) are welcome, as are British bodied cars with American engines, including conversions.
The weekend kicks off with the Friday Welcome Party, followed by the Saturday car show, Guided walking tours, BBQ, Giant Slalom competition, People's Choice balloting, a performance by Concert Rock Violinist Aaron Meyer, a huge photo Concours, Best in Show designation and a Land Rover Adventure Ride. Sunday's activities include a Rallye, swap meet and more fun on the PIR track in the Giant Slalom.
People's Choice ballots are cast for more than 80 classes of British cars, which are owned and driven by club members from more than 30 British car clubs across the U.S. and Canada--a truly international event! Attendees can leave with not only good memories but mementos and memorabilia as well, after a stop in the Regalia Tent.
We anticipate a good showing with Aston Martins plus a dozen Rolls-Royce and Bentley Automobiles. This year the event salutes the Jaguar XK 120. All 'Brit' cars are welcome to join the fun. Sunday morning we will take over the streets of Portland for a fun rally, which is open to all registered vehicles. With over 800 registered cars we are the largest ABFM in the United States.
The organizing Clubs welcome the public to take in this rare assembly of the West Coast's finest British Steel. The Portland All British Field Meet is promoting this event and expects a large crowd of spectators and media coverage.
Friday - September 7th, 2018
Noggin and Natter — 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Located at PIR in the Hospitality Tent
Pick up Packets - Day-of-the-Meet Registrations
Munchies and MORE! - No-Host Bar
Pick up pre-registration packets, pre-ordered regalia, and/or registration forms at the cocktail party. Avoid the pressures of on-the-field confirmations or registrations on Saturday. Besides, It's FUN!!!
Saturday - September 8th, 2018
Placement of Cars and Bikes on the Field — 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Guided Walking Preservation Tour — 9:00 AM
Leaving Well Enough Alone: The Rise of the Unrestored Classic. Hosted by roving automotive journalists Paul Duchene & Jeff Zurschmeide. Tour begins in front of "The Regalia Tent" promptly at 9:00 AM.
OFF-ROAD ADVENTURE RIDE - Sponsored By: Pacific Coast Rover Club — 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ride in Land Rovers over specially prepared terrain! Check at the tent in the Land Rover area. $2.00 fee, all proceeds benefit 'Miles from Molly," a children's' charity.
British Vehicle Display and Show on the grass. — 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
People's Choice voting for all classes concludes at 1:00 pm.
Arts & Crafts Contest - Sponsored By: Oregon Mini Society — 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Bring your favorite pictures, or other artistic endeavors to the display area by 10 AM. Awards in main tent following people's choice awards.
Slot Car Racing — 10:00 AM
Competition by age groups. Proceeds go to charity. Located in Town Square.
Guided Walking Restoration Tour — 10:00 AM
Learn more about classic British car restoration, the basic steps involved and more importantly... How to do it right! Hosted by roving automotive journalists Paul Duchene & Jeff Zurschmeide. Tour begins in front of "The Regalia Tent" promptly at 10:00 AM
Guided Walking Buyers Tour — 11:00 AM
Buying a classic British car is certainly more involved than buying a regular automobile, and buying a classic English car requires even more savvy and diligence. Thankfully roving automotive journalists Paul Duchene & Jeff Zurschmeide will demystify the buying process. Tour begins in front of "The Regalia Tent" promptly at 11:00 AM
Giant Slalom - Sponsored By: Oregon Mini Society — 11:50 AM - 1:50 PM
The ABFM Giant Slalom course will be the same as last year. We have plotted the course using the SCCA pit then proceeding into the drag race start area followed by a spin cone in the drag race area as there is plenty of space for the maneuver.
This course equalizes times and offers a more open course for larger cars.
Entry space is limited so register early. Registration opens at 10:00 am and closes at 11:15 both days. You must register Saturday for Saturday runs, and Sunday for Sunday runs. There will be NO Sunday registration on Saturday.
Workers are welcome and we highly recommend joining us for a better view of the event. Why watch from the bleachers when you can be close enough to smell the drivers?... I mean cars! AND, you'll receive a nifty worker T-shirt for your time!
People's Choice Awards — 4:00 PM
Presented on the field at 4 pm. Check with "Worker Bees" to find where your marque will have the awards presented. Be present to pick up your awards. No awards will be mailed.
BBQ Dinner with Guest Speaker — 4:30 PM
In the Hospitality tent. Cocktails at 4:30 pm, dinner at 5:30 pm. Raffle throughout the evening. Pre-order tickets on the registration form.
NOTE: Prior to 4pm, display vehicles only will be allowed to park inside the main gate.
Sunday - September 9th, 2018
JCNA Sanctioned Slalom
JCNA - sanctioned Slalom on the infield. Inquire at Jaguar tent Saturday for starting times and eligibility.
Off-road/off-site Excursion - Sponsored By: Pacific Coast Rover Club
Experience Off Roading in the Northwest! Members of the Pacific Coast Rover Club invite any event - registered Land Rover to join club members for a day of off-roading in the Columbia Gorge. Groups will be divided and will follow either mild or moderate trails. The mild trails will be more scenic in nature, but off the beaten path. Please contact Ryan at
P.I.R. Gates Open — 8:00 AM
Swap Meet Opens — 8:00 AM
British Vehicles For Sale — 8:00 AM
For non-car entrants, a swap meet fee of $35 will be required. 10 x 20 Commercial vendor spaces are $75.
Rally - Sponsored By: Oregon Mini Society — 9:00 AM
Who: Adventurous Driving Teams of Two wanting to explore the beauty of Multnomah County
What: 2 to 3-hour Gimmick Rallye with Awards
Where: We will start just east of the tower inside the PIR Gates on PIR access road. Look for the signs
When: Sunday, September 4th. Registration begins at 8:30 am. A drivers’ meeting will be held at 8:45 am with the first car out at 9 am. The starting line is located
at the straight area just east of turn twelve inside the main PIR gates.
This year’s gimick rallye will twist and turn car, navigator, and driver through stunning views.
Awards are given for winning Driver and Navigator who take First, Second and Third Place positions.
Have Fun!
Trophies awarded to drivers and navigators of British vehicles with the best time at 2:30 PM in the main tent.
Hosted by Oregon Mini Society.
Giant Slalom - Sponsored By: Oregon Mini Society — 11:50 AM - 1:50 PM
The ABFM Giant Slalom course will be the same as last year. We have plotted the course using the SCCA pit then proceeding into the drag race start area followed by a spin cone in the drag race area as there is plenty of space for the maneuver.
This course equalizes times and offers a more open course for larger cars.
Entry space is limited so register early. Registration opens at 10:00 am and closes at 11:15 both days. You must register Saturday for Saturday runs, and Sunday for Sunday runs. There will be NO Sunday registration on Saturday.
Workers are welcome and we highly recommend joining us for a better view of the event. Why watch from the bleachers when you can be close enough to smell the drivers?... I mean cars! AND, you'll receive a nifty worker T-shirt for your time!
People's Choice Ballots Due — 1:00 PM
Rally Awards — 2:30 PM
Trophies awarded to drivers and navigators of British vehicles with the best time in "The Main Tent"