Hi Black Sheep, or should I say Baa,
You took the words right out of my mouth about hydrogen, its far safer than petrol, but no one wants to take the plunge and make it in greater quantities. Its not in the oil producers interest to do it at the moment, but later they will "invent" it as safe etc, just like unleaded is now, the car manufacturers will come on board as well, and the politicians in the pay of big business will sing its praises, only the farmers producing expensive corn will be unhappy. When will people wake up to the fact that battery cars etc are not green!.
On another track, its always the Welshmen who are the butt of sheep jokes, do you get it inScotland by any chance, or for that matter in New Zealand or Australia, both countries where there are more sheep than people.
Berger, it was only a teaspoon or so of the stuff and the bikes (mostly 250's) in a group did have that distinctive smell of racing engines running on Castrol R, we all dreamed of having Gold Stars, but couldn't afford the insurance or the bikes for that matter. A friend of mine had owned a 500cc DBD 34 model when he was young and talking to his wife about going back to bikes when he was 60 or so she came out with the immortal words, "how many times did you have to walk to work in the mornings because it wouldn't start". Flooded carburettor was the normal trouble, great when going flat out but a bastard to start, or run slow around town.