Please post pictures of your version of my head steady?
I cannot imagine having to work on bikes without having a lathe and milling machine, welding gear and so on
I have a boring and facing head that came in a lined hardwood case with all its accessories thatt i won on Ebay for £80 i think, probably 20 years ago now.
If I had to go and buy every bit and piece that's needed to rebuild a bike it would "A" cost a mint, "B" drive me demented with brexit delays / customs charges and probably dissatisfied with the quality of the repro parts anyway
Ah good things come in wooden boxes! Not much made today in China does though...This came in a plastic box but at least it's Taiwanese and pretty good quality.
Like most of us I guess, slowly accumulating useful things only to have them sold for peanuts or given away when we've gone! I've been fortunate to be in and around manufacturing all my working life so opportunities have arisen as they say but one of my best wins was from a neighbour a few years ago who's father had been a toolmaker and had a huge collection of various engineering tools and cutters sitting in his shed going rusty. He'd been retired for 20 years and hadn't touched any of it since. I offered a reasonable amount but they wouldn't let me pay for any of it so I got the lot for a carton of beer. I bought the mill from a business who had it sitting in the corner untouched for many years, they were asking about the right money but during negotiations he started pulling out all the associated tooling and clearly didn't know what half of it was for: parallels, vice, angle plate, dividing head, a big set of collets, and this boring head, that sealed the deal for me as to buy the tooling separately would have been half the cost of the machine.
So now I'm retired its any excuse to get the toys out and make some swarf, it all adds enjoyment to the hobby for me!

As regards the steady, I found your post, John, just the other day and I reckon you've got it about right, should resist low frequency big amplitude stuff while taking the sting out of the high frequency movement to some degree, either way I don't envisage it doing any harm. I will certainly show my one when its done ...the pressure's on now!