It still stuns me how clever you guys are - I'm pretty stupid in comparison to your knowledge of engineering and rebuilding engines. In another life, I may well have trained as an engineer, as I really like fixing, fabricating and problem solving, etc. Hats off to you all!
Been pondering your comment there Worty.
My knowledge of 'engineering' is pretty patchy. I make no claims at all to any serious knowledge, but I
have had a lot of practice over half a century owing to our perverse habit of liking older machinery. My 'real' working life was spent in the publishing industry, my private life in various sheds, pubs and beds. Like a good few of us here, I'm just an 'auto-didact' as they say, who had the invaluable benefit of an oily-fingered dad and uncles and a handful of good mates who are proper engineers. Plus I'm curious, plus I'm mean and don't like having to get other people to do things if I can do them myself.
However, for the 'proper engineering' (ie precision machining) bits of these jobs, it's essential to find, use - and pay! - competent professional people, otherwise things can end up costing a lot more and a lot of riding time gets wasted in the back of recovery vans and then having to revisit balls-ups.
You're definitely not stupid at all, comparatively or otherwise. You can do loads of stuff. In fact you're very wise, because you got the berger on side with his bro' with special skills to retrieve a pretty tricky situation with your A.
It's horses for courses, it needs practice and patience, it needs facilities (space and tools above all) - and some of us are lucky to have them. Best thing I ever did was take the risk over 20 years ago of moving somewhere where affordable space isn't at a premium, where I can do what I want without upsetting my not-too-close-neighbours and where the roads are perfect for old bikes. Just as well I'm happy, because it was a one-way street: if I wanted to come 'home' I might get a small terraced house and maybe a small garden shed somewhere inexpensive in exchange for this old farmhouse, barns and 4 acres.