Cheers Rob and Jools!
Union is done up nice 'n' tight, but will check the banjo and washer - the latter does look a little tired from what I can see.
Do either of you know the size of Dowty washer I'd need offhand (for the speedo drive)?
My favourite runs are across to the Yorks Moors, where there always seems to be somewhere I've not been before. Ended up in farmyards and allsorts on my travels in the past. Never really interested in riding 50m then spending 3 hours chatting at some biker haunt, I like to ride. That 190m trip cost me around 7 hours of riding, a knackered battery, £25-ish in fuel, a sore backside, a shower, four beers, aching body, and a good nights sleep - more than worth it!
Have to say it again, hats off to Bergs for the motor rebuild, even the Harley guy said it sounded sweet (mind you, anything would if you ride a Harley)

Guys, get out in this weather as much as you can, our Summers are very short and wet