wow careful with that loctite it works well. i put new 3mm screws through urma yondas choke butterfly because this had to be done after separating a carb to repair the fuel rail leek and instead of slicing the ends and opening them up a bit to stop them coming out i used loctite. i left the carbs lent up on the bench length ways up and soldered some bits of the brass fittings for the berger build

. then i gave urmas petrol tank a swill out ready to go back on, oh this was after blasting the dust off it because it had been resting on a high shelf in the kitchen and the solid fuel fire don't half make some crud. i then got urma out of the top garage and pushed her into the workshop garage where my bees have blocked up two holes, maybe they have gone to tenerifffyyy

this was hard work because i have somehow killed the base of my back left shoulder and right buttock and all three are kin agony depending on how i move. i put the throttle open and shut cables on the carbs then the choke cable, only to find out the choke butterflys were not shutting when the lever was pulled. thank wotsit i hadn't put them all in the rubber boots!!!!. i took the cables off and after half an hour of studying the mechanism i thought one of the two springs had gone weak or something worse had happened. i soon realised one pair wanted to work independent of the other two

. after muchos messing i found out some loctite had found it's way down the spindle that opens and shuts the butterflys and settled in the carb body where the spindle/ shaft works them. after much brake clean fluid , electrical contact cleaner and wd 40 and loosening the carb screws that hold the carb in place and wiggling the carb i got the choke to work at last

. tomorrow i will see if they still work and put them on. right now i am having a black&tan because ---yes you guessed it i HAVE NOT been to the pub. if everything goes to plan tomorrow the urma machine will be up and running before i GO to the pub to see spurs get thrashed by man city, i might even scrounge a roll up. anyway be careful with that loctite eugenie , there's a pink floyd song in there somewhere

thankyou for listening have a nice day . i am now three quarter ply, but not marine.......