I did take the Flash out for a short spin this morning.

Started and ran well.
I did observe that the oil return was solid for about 15 seconds after hitting the start button. Out of interest I wondered if I could use this information to calculate the oil wetsumped since I last rode it exactly 5 weeks ago.
I calculated that at just above idle - guessed 1150 rpm, and 20-60W oil cold, feed was about 0.84 l/min and scavenge was about 1.41 l/min. The difference was 0.57 l/min. I did spend days working these figures out a couple of years ago. For a guessed 15 seconds to clear the excess oil in sump, it calculated to 101 mls wetsumped since last ride, or 20 mls / week. Fairly consistent with my previous sump plug draining measurements.
I know many would dream of such little wetsumping, but I did put in the work to bed the anti-drain ball well and I have a new SRM oil pump and PRV.
Next ride, I will record more accurately the time to clear and the rpm at start (I have a cheapo electronic tacho fitted).
Perhaps that may be useful for those who don't have a major wetsumping issue (requiring sump draining every ride) and want to monitor it easily?
Did I just open a can of worms??
