Went out to refill the brake reservoir on the Kwaka as it was very low. Filled to level and checked brake, seemed fine. However, on checking round the caliper, it seems I have a very slight fluid leak - which would account for the dropping level. It's lasted about 3k from full to nearly empty, so I've ordered a seal kit.
Whilst I was at it, I whipped off the rocker cover to check clearances. A few were on the limit of too tight, but I put it all back together until I can find a good source of 7.48mm shims. Plugs were not tight, a slight pressure on the plug spanner saw them turn easily. Have to watch the ally threads, but that was too loose for my liking. Looks like the rocker cover has not been off for a long, long time, very 'stuck'. However, Kawasaki use an excellent, reusable seal so not having to fuss around with paper gaskets and goo is welcome. One irritation is that the cover is really hard to get off under the frame - maybe copied BSA too closely.

Can anyone recommend a good source/make of quality shims that are not OEM. I heard Chinese ones were not good, but Hotcams are ok.