G'day Fellas.
Well you think the A7/10 rocker box is a bugga.
Had a small weep out of the HD's rear rocker box. Their 3 pieces with 3 gaskets

Put bike on the lifter with rear wheel off the ground. Remove spark plugs and select gear to turn motor over to tdc on that cylinder.
Back rest off, seat off, dash off, drain fuel tanks, both tanks off. Then it's 4 x 1/4" allen heads to remove the lid and middle cover, then 4 x 5/16" and 5 x 1/4" bolts to lift the bottom plate with rocker shafts attached and remove the push rods.
Then an hour removing the stuck on remnants of the gaskets and wash parts. Then reverse above to get it all back together.
Two nights after work from 6pm to 11pm (with a short dinner break). She started first hit of the button.
On one cylinder, BUGGA. Went to bed.
Next morning before work started the strip down again. Got as far as the dash off, went other side to remove the fuel hose and found the problem. I must have bumped one of the spark plug leads out of the coil. Bugga bugga poo bum shite. All back together and rode to work the very long way.
ps: pic is of both, I only had to do one.