Author Topic: What have you done with your bike/s today?  (Read 191118 times)

Offline metalflake11

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1485 on: 15.10. 2020 13:37 »
Were they the black ones with a hole through them from S.R.M. GB?

I've had no luck with any of the newer 'improved' pushrods, the set before this were fatter and rubbed on the rocker box left exhaust opening

That was due to a bad casting that was cured in minutes with a dremel, but it had left a witness mark on the pushrod.

The originals are going back in even though I will lose a few thousands of a second on every journey I make! *smile*

England N.W
1960 A10

Offline Greybeard

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1486 on: 15.10. 2020 23:18 »
Were they the black ones with a hole through them from S.R.M. GB?
Yus. They may have a black coating but judging by the price I think they are made of titanium.
Greybeard (Neil)
2023 Gold Star

Warwickshire UK

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1487 on: 16.10. 2020 14:02 »
Two boxfulls of brand new parts that don't fit or are wrong have been stored in the loft.
My bike is a 1958 A7SS
Staffordshire UK

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1488 on: 22.10. 2020 21:02 »
finally welded a lever-arm (?) to my b33 centre stand. this involved moving the clamp-on side stand rearwards to accommodate the raised lever, and that involved extending the homemade bracket that goes between the side stand and the rear of the engine plates to stop it rotating (barely visible in the pic). As per another posting, i couldn't get the centre stand removed so welded and painted it on the bike (with suitable protection of course!).
not an artwork, but much easier on the back!
New Zealand
'61 Super Rocket  - '47 B33 -  '21 Triumph Speed Triple RS

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1489 on: 23.10. 2020 21:47 »
My son came around earlier this week and we took three of my bikes for a ride. That gave me some enthusiasm to attack the project again, so first job was off with the gearbox to cure some oil leaks. Despite all new gaskets and fibre washers during its rebuild, it leaked everywhere. It’s a plunger box bolted to the engine, but is easy to get out because my inner primary is not part of the crankcase. Why did BSA make it part of theirs?
So replaced fibre washers with copper and attacked the camplate spindle. Why it only has a sixteenth wide seat to seal to the case can only be explained by BSA, but is a very poor piece of engineering. Not even enough meat to countersink for an O ring, so I cut a new gasket and used lashings of Hylomar. The oil leak from the mainshaft will continue as they always do.
Refitted the box and then tore off the Mikunis. I really couldn’t face wasting any more time and money on them. Apparently Amal designed them but found whilst they were a good two stroke carb, they were a heap of trouble on four strokes and so sold the design to Japan. Wish I had known that before I bought them.
And so I started fitting the new Amals. I didn’t want to make a cutaway in the side of the petrol tank for the front carb as it would look bad and require a lot of refinishing, but happily I found I could get clearance by machining the carb body. That done, it was a case of modifying the mickey mouse threads Amal use to a more standard M6.
Overall, I am disappointed with the Amal finish. Mikunis appear to be cast from aluminium, are well engineered and have a chrome plated brass slide, whereas the Amals appear to be zinc and their throttle slides are so sloppy I reckon they will rattle at tickover. They really need sleeving – and they are new! But hopefully at least they will be easier to jet than the Miks, where changing one jet affects all the others, meaning every jet change puts you back to square one.
Tomorrow I intend sorting out the rear carb and redesigning the choke cables. And fixing the brake light on the A10 if time permits.

'49 B31, '49 M21, '53 DOT, '58 Flash, '62 Flash special, '00 Firestorm, Weslake sprint bike.

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1490 on: 23.10. 2020 22:42 »
after searching for parts and pictures and diagrams to compare them to the yonda cb750f I bought I still couldn't pin point the year of manufacture which wasn't any where to be found by using the frame number. after extensive question asking a member of the yonda club explained to me why I couldn't find the proper information in books and web sites. all the frame numbers started way higher than mine. the yonda people had the Japanese only market frame and engine numbers, so the result is the yonda is a Japanese domestic market 1979 cb750FZ the 319th off the production line of 9000 and registered in England in1982. finding this out has served good purpose because I was getting very confused regarding the make up of this bike thinking someone had put a lot of different parts together. the down side is I still have to pay road tax *bash* it's good to know when ordering replacement parts though because there are some little differences between them. also today I lit the fire and got the kitchen nice and toasty , then I spray painted some parts  and brought them indoors and hung them on the kitchen washing line to dry. every house should have a crank case usable oven and a drying line *yeah* and not just when SWMBO is out visiting the shops *beer* *good3*

Offline Black Sheep

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1491 on: 24.10. 2020 07:23 »
Reassembled the K2F with a new paper drive end bearing washer and ftted it to the Star Twin. First kick produced an impressive backfire so swapped the plug leads and it started and ran like a good un. Just need a bit of time for a decent road test to be quite sure the misfire has gone.
Meanwhile, there is a leak from the tractor's new water pump. I can see where it's coming from but it's a radiator out job to get in and fix it. That'll keep me quiet for a bit. That and planting the 150 trees that arrived yesterday. There's always something to do. Not the usual workshop - that's full of leaky tractor...
2 twins, 2 singles, lots of sheep

Offline muskrat

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1492 on: 25.10. 2020 06:25 »
G'day Fellas.
I got the HD FILTHY. 3 days and 500 miles in the rain. Next two days will be wash and polish.
'51 A7 plunger, '57 A7SS racer now a A10CR, '78 XT500, '83 CB1100F, 88 HD FXST, 2000 CBR929RR ex Honda Australia Superbike .
Muskys Plunger A7

Online Worty

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1493 on: 25.10. 2020 19:12 »
Well done Musky!  Haven't touched the bike for a while, but she's ready to go.  Reckon I'll be back riding before long now that things have stabilised in my personal life.  Still have quite a bit of fatigue, but managed to lay a new kitchen floor over this weekend and will be fitting new pads and discs to the Citigo when the rain stops (warped disc and thin pads).  Starting to feel a bit more like myself now, work hard all day then relax with some beers. *smile* *beer* *beer* *beer* *yeah*
Current Bikes😎
Kwaka W650
'61 Flash

Past Bikes👍
'49 B31
'59 BMW R60
Yam FS1-E, YB100, RS100, RD200DX,250DX,350B, XS750

Offline Greybeard

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1494 on: 26.10. 2020 13:16 »
Starting to feel a bit more like myself now...
I was feeling myself this morning.
Greybeard (Neil)
2023 Gold Star

Warwickshire UK

A Distinguished Gentleman Riding his 1955 Plunger Golden Flash

Offline Butch (cb)

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1495 on: 26.10. 2020 14:03 »
Scrubbed up Blue my T3 and then went all over it with an oily rag. Battery will come out at the end of the week when I declare SORN, though it is unlikely to come out again before then. Got another 18 months before that goes exempt.

The A10 has been under a cover in the bike port all year so I'm thinking perhaps it should go back up on the table for another wipe over. Maybe I should drain the fuel tank, could think about pulling the oil tank and flushing it, maybe get a new battery. Maybe.

Warning - observations made by this member have a 93% unreliability rating.

Of Bikes; various, including ...
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Offline mikeb

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1496 on: 29.11. 2020 01:15 »
I finally got around to fitting front brake switches. The first pic and first attempt is for the b33 – a tamper switch held to a small bracket. Its actuated by a foot sliver soldered to the end of the tamper switch that sits behind the brake level. But a failure to think ahead: it switches to ground so needs a relay (in the headlamp shell) to switch the brake. And I assume the tamper switch will eventually fail in the weather.

So the second attempt (second pic) for the a10 is an epoxy sealed threaded reed switch (PTC 130/30, if you were asking) on a bracket and a small magnet (found holding notes on the fridge door) epoxied to another small bracket.  One limitation is i think the switch is 1/4 amp max which is fine for me running LEDs but would need a relay if running incandescent bulbs. Pic 3 shows the mounting on the underside of the lever.

Both work well. I feel safe (safer)  *smiley4*
New Zealand
'61 Super Rocket  - '47 B33 -  '21 Triumph Speed Triple RS

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1497 on: 29.11. 2020 14:29 »
Nice one Mike.  Best I've done is throw another old duvet over the bike and buy a s/h air compressor (20 quid plus a tenner for a bit of kit to go with it).  Needed lots of PTFE tape but works lovely.  Sorted out my spanners ready for summer fixing.  Wifey is putting the tree up with my son at present.  Looking forward to Spring already!! *smile* *smile* *smile*

Current Bikes😎
Kwaka W650
'61 Flash

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'49 B31
'59 BMW R60
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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1498 on: 30.11. 2020 08:54 »
Could not get the battery to charge on the A7SS, so went for a surreptitious short bimble.

Did feel strange after so long off the bikes!

Trusty A7SS started first kick as usual.
1961 A10SR, spent a fortune at SRM
1961 A7SS, finally the right green
2011 1937 Empire Star, twin port, high pipes, 2023 off to pastures new.
2022 Gone to the dark side and bought a 1981 Honda Benly, electric leg for my old age! done 450 miles!
2023. 1972 Honda CL350 added. Another electric leg bike with a bit more oomf
White Cliffs Country

Offline muskrat

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #1499 on: 30.11. 2020 09:23 »
G'day Fellas.
Started and warmed up the two BSA's and the HD. That's it.
Had solar panel installers here all day. 6.6kw to run the shed *ex*
'51 A7 plunger, '57 A7SS racer now a A10CR, '78 XT500, '83 CB1100F, 88 HD FXST, 2000 CBR929RR ex Honda Australia Superbike .
Muskys Plunger A7