Yea, got to the garage today and finished off making the spring levers for my ATD - and they actually fit and work

Drilled the spring hole by hand with a 1mm drill and rounded the ends of the lever to ensure free movement. The holes for the post and 'actuating' mechanism were done by placing the original on the new item and centre punching through - drilled with a 4.8mm drill. Seemed a little odd that the distances between the holes were about 1mm different between the levers, and I was worried they may not fit, but they slotted straight in.
The bar I used is about 1.5mm wider than the original items and a about 0.5mm thicker, but the tolerances are definitely not exact on these units. On one side, the post sits about 1mm from flush with the top of the lever, but the other side is fine. There is a very thin washer that sits at the base of both posts, but I can't really see a need to include them other than for allowing freer pivoting. Last thing will be to clean the whole unit, assemble with new springs, and pop the collar on (leaving a small gap and centre punching for extra security).
Well on the road to recovery, by the way, and feeling very pleased with myself. Will post some piccies if I can.
Cheers all - back on the bike from Wednesday to 'travel to a place for exercise'