Bit off as this was last week and yesterday but hey ho.
Last week went to protyre in Bristol,just before lockdown, and had an Avon Roadrider fitted to the rear. The TT100 had squared off badly and had given me some skiddy slips on some roundabouts. Shame as up until squaring was really pleased with the grip. Had also been working hard at keeping it round with lots of meandering riding on acceleration, even on the motorway. The fitting event will live long in my memory, good job i had my toolkit, as always, on the bike. Not able to add to Musky's poll on tyres yet as not getting the miles in due to lockdown.
Yesterday i finally fitted some baffles into the Goldie silencers. They are the ones you bolt into the end. I needed to deliver some Paracetomol to an elderly client so had an opportunity to try the subdued beast out. The noise is still there but at about 50% reduced. Still plenty to be heard in traffic. I even did not miss my silicon ear plugs which are always normally worn. During the fitting i removed the downpipes and refitted with silicon to seal around the headers, hoping to cure the whine/whistle.
Upon start up was able to hear lots of tappet noise never before heard. The whine was also more apparent. Am confident that this is due to the reduction in exhaust db. So off i sets with tappets and whine aplenty on a slightly longer journey than necessary. Performance seems unaffected, though was unable to really hold any speed for a decent period. Lots less popping from exhausts on engine braking. On my return with the engine at temperature the whine had disappeared, hoorah! The rear tyre had not gone flat,double hoorah! All in all BJ was a happy bunny.
Am concerned the whine is some sort of damage to the rockers during my recent disasters with a replacement head. Thinking that they have been stressed by some seizing valves? Will see if the noise returns on cold start. Anyone got a rockerbox fully assembled and in excellent condition lying around? I know you may try to reassure me that it's an exhaust leak that seals with heat and i hope it is. It doesn't sound like it though, more whine than whistle with quiet exhaust. Seems at its worst on deceleration.
My wife works for the NHS so please don't lecture me about unnecessary risk, i did need to go out and was careful on the bike.