Yesterday and today I have been fettling Emily, (the motorbike, not the Au pair girl!) in readiness for my trip to the Isle of Wight at the weekend. I will be riding the bike, 140 miles each way, plus the club ride-outs.
I've changed the oil and filter, third time since my engine troubles, just to be sure of clean oil. I've set the tyre pressures. Checked primary case oil level. Topped up the gearbox oil. Taken a little slack out of the taper head bearings. I've shortened the new chain I recently fitted by one link by using a half-link and adjusted the chain slack. I recently bought a pair of ex-military canvas pannier bags, so I've had to modify my carrier frame and added nylon straps to keep the bags against the frame. I'm currently packing a rucksack with my clothes for the weekend. The weather forecast looks
good, so I'm taking my all-in-one weather suit

. I know that if I take it I will not need it, and vice-versa. I'll be setting off tomorrow morning. After that, I probably will not be online until next week.